Why I Build Everything in JavaScript (And Why You Should, Too)

Why I Build Everything in JavaScript (Mostly, Sorta, Kinda)

Let’s get something straight: JavaScript is everywhere these days. It’s the one language that seems to be the answer to everything, from websites to servers to mobile apps. And as the saying goes, Atkins’ Law:

“If it can be done in JavaScript, it will be done in JavaScript.”

This post is a blend of truth and perhaps a bit of exaggeration, but there's no denying the sheer versatility and power of JavaScript. It's why so many developers - myself included - reach for it time and time again.

Like many, the journey started with jQuery, a lifesaver in its day, making DOM manipulation and cross-browser quirks manageable. It was jQuery that first showed how accessible JavaScript could be for anyone looking to create dynamic web experiences. But that was just the beginning - JavaScript was about to become much more than just a tool for front-end tweaks.

From jQuery to Node.js: A Game-Changer

The real transformation came with Node.js. In a project that required handling large volumes of number data on the back-end, traditional server-side solutions felt slow and cumbersome. That’s when Node.js entered the picture, offering an event-driven, non-blocking I/O system that seemed custom-built for those challenges. Suddenly, JavaScript wasn’t just the language for making buttons clickable - it was powering the server, handling data efficiently, and doing so with surprising speed.

This shift to full-stack JavaScript opened up new possibilities and encouraged a rethinking of how applications could be built from front to back with a single language. For many developers, Node.js was a game-changer, showing that JavaScript could handle complex back-end tasks with ease.

A Language That Inspires

The most rewarding part of diving deep into JavaScript isn’t just about building better applications - it’s seeing others get inspired by what’s possible with it. Watching team members, collaborators, and even friends pick up JavaScript and run with it - using it to solve real-world problems - has been an incredible part of the journey.

By demonstrating what JavaScript can do, from full-stack web development to mobile apps with React Native, many developers who were initially skeptical have embraced the language more fully. JavaScript’s versatility, once seen in action, has this contagious effect. It’s a reminder that sometimes it’s not just about the tool you use but how creatively and effectively it can be applied.

JavaScript: The Language Critics Go Quiet On

Of course, JavaScript has its critics. “It’s slow,” they say, or “It’s too quirky.” And sure, those criticisms aren’t entirely without merit. But when JavaScript is used well - whether it’s building a seamless UI with React, powering a real-time API with Node.js, or creating a cross-platform mobile app with React Native - even the toughest critics often stop short of complaint. It’s hard to argue with results.

There’s a bit of humor in seeing those who once doubted JavaScript’s capabilities come around after witnessing just how effective it can be in practice. It’s not about proving anyone wrong; it’s about showing how much the language has grown and how, in the right hands, it can deliver exceptional results.

Reusing Code Across Platforms

One of JavaScript’s strengths lies in its ability to be reused across multiple platforms. The ability to write logic once and reuse it across web, mobile, and even desktop applications is a huge time-saver. Many projects have benefited from tools like React Native and Electron, where a good portion of the codebase can be shared, drastically reducing development time and improving maintainability.

This approach has led to a more efficient development process for countless teams and projects. No need to reinvent the wheel for each platform - JavaScript offers the flexibility to streamline workflows and maintain consistency across different environments.

The Real Talk: JavaScript Performance

Performance is one of the most common criticisms aimed at JavaScript. Sure, it’s not the fastest language on the planet, but it’s more than capable of handling the vast majority of real-world applications. In fact, benchmarks have shown that with the V8 engine powering Node.js, JavaScript performs exceptionally well in scenarios where asynchronous I/O is key - such as handling API requests, real-time communication, or database queries.

By running performance benchmarks, it becomes clear that for many modern applications, JavaScript is more than “good enough.” Its ability to handle concurrent requests efficiently, thanks to its non-blocking architecture, allows it to scale well in typical web and API scenarios. So while it might not win every race against lower-level languages, for most developers’ needs, JavaScript delivers.

The JavaScript Ecosystem: The Real MVP

JavaScript’s ecosystem is another reason why so many developers rely on it. npm, with its vast repository of packages, offers solutions to almost any problem. Authentication, real-time communication, UI components, even full frameworks - if you need it, someone’s probably built it.

This expansive ecosystem isn’t just a convenience - it’s a massive productivity booster. Developers can skip reinventing the wheel, plugging into pre-built solutions that accelerate development and allow more time for fine-tuning the unique aspects of each project.

JavaScript Hasn't Won Everywhere (Yet)

As powerful as JavaScript is, there are still areas where other languages dominate. Machine learning remains a stronghold of Python, with its extensive ecosystem of libraries like TensorFlow, scikit-learn, and Pandas. While there are efforts to bring machine learning into the JavaScript world (like TensorFlow.js), it’s clear that JavaScript still has ground to cover before it can rival Python in this domain.

That said, JavaScript continues to evolve, and as more developers look for ways to bring ML to the browser, it’s likely that JavaScript will grow in these areas, too.

Conclusion: JavaScript - A Tool for Everyone

In the end, JavaScript has proven itself to be an incredibly versatile and capable tool. It’s not perfect, but for many developers, it’s more than sufficient for the wide range of tasks it’s asked to perform. Whether it’s front-end development, back-end APIs, mobile apps, or even desktop applications, JavaScript’s flexibility allows it to fit into nearly every part of the modern development stack.

And the best part? It’s a language that inspires others to explore new possibilities, solve problems creatively, and push the boundaries of what can be done - all with a tool that, not too long ago, was mostly just used to add some interactivity to web pages.

Whether you’re skeptical or all-in on JavaScript, one thing is for sure: it’s not just here to stay, it’s here to keep growing.

Wei-Ming Thor

I create practical guides on Software Engineering, Data Science, and Machine Learning.

Creator of ApX Machine Learning Platform


Full-stack engineer who builds web and mobile apps. Now, exploring Machine Learning and Data Engineering. Read more

Writing unmaintainable code since 2010.


Best: JavaScript, Python
Others: Android, iOS, C, React Native, Ruby, PHP


Engineering Manager


Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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