About me


Hello, world! I'm Wei-Ming Thor, and welcome to twm.me. I grabbed the .me domain back when it was trending, and it turned out to be the perfect fit for a site that's deeply personal - a canvas for my coding journey.

I’m based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and my venture into coding wasn’t exactly planned. It was inspired by a movie - The Social Network, to be exact. The idea that a few lines of code could spark a revolution hooked me immediately. From that point, coding wasn't just a skill to learn; it became a mission. At university, I dived headfirst into the world of tech, not just as a student but as a relentless explorer. Whether it was AI, programming languages, WordPress, backend systems, frontend development, or even mobile app creation - I was all in. My curiosity had no limits.

Professional Pathway

After graduation, I began my career at a software development studio, eventually transitioning into running my own. Those early years felt like a boot camp for all things tech - hands-on coding, UX design, and even the realities of running a business. It was intense but invaluable.

However, something was missing. I wanted to feel more connected to the products I worked on, to take deeper ownership of the technology. That’s when I made the leap into the fascinating world of AI/ML and joined SUPA, a company specializing in data labeling. This wasn’t just a role - it was an education in artificial intelligence and machine learning, disciplines that are fundamentally changing how we live and work.

Why twm.me?

I launched twm.me as a guiding light for coders like myself, navigating the sometimes overwhelming and ever-changing tech landscape. After more than a decade in the field, I wanted to create something more than a simple coding blog. I wanted to share the real journey of being a software engineer - the successes, the challenges, and everything in between.

twm.me is not just a blog; it's a reflection of my coding adventures, lessons learned, and the insights I’ve