Make It Correct, Clear, Concise, and Fast: The Essential Order for Programming Excellence

In software engineering, getting your code correct, clear, concise, and fast - in that order - is crucial. This guide breaks down why following this sequence ensures high-quality, maintainable, and performant code.

How To Keep Your NPM Packages Up to Date (And Why You Should)

Outdated npm packages can lead to security vulnerabilities and instability in your project. Discover effective strategies to keep your dependencies updated and avoid potential risks.

Ditch NoSQL: Why Postgres Is Likely the Only Database You'll Ever Need

Postgres (PostgreSQL) has become the go-to relational database for developers due to its reliability, flexibility, and extensibility. In a world where NoSQL once took center stage, Postgres has proven that it's likely the only database…

Why You Don't Need Redux in Your React Project (Anymore)

Many React developers reach for Redux out of habit, largely because tutorials often include it by default. However, with React's built-in tools like Context API and hooks, you can manage state more efficiently without the added complexity.…

5 Programming Trends That Are Overhyped Now but Have a Bright Future

The tech world is notorious for jumping onto trends before they fully mature, often leading to overhyped expectations. While some trends fade away, others hold the potential to transform how we approach software development. In this post,…

Why Being a Great Hacker Doesn’t Make You a Great Software Engineer (and Vice Versa)

While hackers may excel at finding vulnerabilities, building robust software requires a different skill set altogether. Let's explore the differences between breaking into systems and constructing them, and debunk common misconceptions…

The Best Git Branching Strategy for Most Projects

Choosing the right Git branching strategy is critical for maintaining clean and efficient workflows in software development. In this post, we’ll explore the most effective Git branching method for most projects and how it can improve team…

Is It Too Late for a Software Engineer to Learn Machine Learning?

Wondering if it's too late for software engineers to learn machine learning? The truth is, you're not behind - software engineers actually have a significant head start. Here's why you already have an advantage and how to leverage it for…

Why Environment Variables Are Not Configuration Files (And How to Use Them Correctly)

Confused about when to use environment variables versus configuration files? Learn the right way to separate environment-specific settings from your app’s configuration without introducing unnecessary complexity.

Docker Is Great, But Don't Discount Traditional Development Environments!

While Docker has revolutionized how we deploy and scale applications with its containerization technology, it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution. For many developers, the speed and convenience of a traditional local development environment…

The Programmer's Journey Through the Stages of the Dunning-Kruger Effect

In the dynamic world of programming, where the landscape of knowledge is vast and ever-evolving, many developers find themselves encountering the psychological phenomenon known as the Dunning-Kruger Effect.

The 'Boring' Tech Stack For Your 2024 Project with AI

When embarking on a new project, the allure of cutting-edge technologies can be tempting, but the proven reliability of a 'boring' tech stack often offers the most practical foundation for long-term success.

7 Hard Truths Every Developer Must Face

In my journey as a software developer, I've traversed many highs and lows, grappling with complex problems and celebrating breakthroughs. Through these varied experiences, I’ve come to accept several hard truths about our
