How to Get Into a Career in Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Malaysia

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the most exciting fields today, and opportunities in Malaysia are growing rapidly. As someone who started learning AI when neural networks were still in their infancy during my degree program, I later found myself working in software engineering. However, as AI began to grow rapidly and new advancements emerged, my interest in the field was reignited, and I began picking up AI and machine learning (ML) again.

Whether you're just starting your AI journey or transitioning from another career, this guide will help you understand how to develop the necessary skills, get real-world experience, and successfully break into AI in Malaysia.

1. Understand the AI Landscape in Malaysia

AI is transforming industries worldwide, and Malaysia is no exception. AI is now being used across diverse sectors - finance, healthcare, logistics, and e-commerce to name a few. Businesses are investing in AI to automate processes, derive insights from data, and create intelligent products.

The exciting part is that AI adoption is still in its early stages in many industries, which means opportunities for professionals entering the field are plentiful. If you're looking to build a career in AI, it’s important to understand the key sectors that are adopting AI and how your skills can contribute to them.

2. Take Charge of Your Learning: Personal Initiative is Key

When I began studying AI, neural networks were still a relatively new concept, and educational resources were more limited than they are today. Now, there are countless resources available online to help you learn AI and machine learning without needing to rely solely on traditional institutions.

You can pursue a degree in fields such as Artificial Intelligence, Software Engineering, Computer Science, Mathematics, Statistics, or Data Science - any of these will provide a strong foundation for a career in AI. However, it’s important to recognize that a degree alone covers only part of the knowledge you’ll need to succeed; much of your learning will come from hands-on projects and continuous self-learning.

Here are some resources to help you on your learning journey:

  • Online Platforms: Websites like Coursera, Udemy, and edX offer extensive AI and machine learning courses. Some of these are taught by top universities, covering foundational concepts and advanced techniques.
  • YouTube Tutorials and Blogs: There are numerous tutorials on YouTube, and blogs by AI experts that can guide you through hands-on projects or the latest developments in AI.
  • Research Papers and Conferences: If you want to dive deep, reading research papers from conferences like NeurIPS or ICML will keep you updated on cutting-edge AI research.

The real key is staying curious and continuously applying what you learn through practical projects.

3. Start with Hands-On Projects: Practice Makes Perfect

It’s not enough to just learn AI concepts - you need to apply them through hands-on projects. During my own career, working on real-world problems gave me the technical understanding I needed to thrive in the field. Building your portfolio is essential to showcase what you’re capable of, and it can often speak louder than your academic qualifications.

Here are some ideas for hands-on AI projects:

  • Build Simple AI Models: Start by creating basic machine learning models for classification or prediction tasks using popular datasets like those found on Kaggle.
  • Tackle AI Competitions: Platforms like Kaggle offer a great way to solve real-world problems and test your skills. Participating in these competitions allows you to sharpen your AI abilities while learning from other participants.
  • Contribute to Open Source: Get involved in open-source AI projects on GitHub. Contributing to these projects can help you build a network, gain practical coding experience, and understand how AI is implemented in real-world applications.

At SUPA, we frequently look for interns who have worked on extensive personal projects. It shows us that you have not only the knowledge but also the problem-solving abilities needed in AI roles. Practical experience is often more valuable than academic credentials alone.

4. Transitioning from Software Engineering to AI: Overlapping Skills

If you come from a software engineering background like I did, transitioning to AI might feel intimidating, but the overlap in skills makes the shift smoother than you might expect. Programming, problem-solving, and data structures are all crucial in AI and are skills that software engineers already possess.

Here’s how you can leverage your software engineering skills to transition into AI:

  • Learn AI Libraries and Tools: As a software engineer, you likely have experience with programming languages like Python. To transition to AI, focus on learning machine learning libraries like TensorFlow, Keras, and PyTorch.
  • Understand Algorithms and Data: Data handling and algorithm design are core skills in both software development and AI. Enhancing your understanding of AI algorithms will enable you to design models that can handle real-world data effectively.

Focusing on these areas can help you expand your skillset from software engineering into AI. Once you grasp the fundamentals of AI, it becomes easier to apply those principles in real-world settings, complementing your existing expertise.

5. Build Your Portfolio: Let Your Projects Speak

When it comes to AI roles, your portfolio is one of the most important tools for showcasing your abilities. A strong portfolio that highlights your personal projects, contributions to open-source, and participation in hackathons is often more valuable than simply listing your qualifications.

Your portfolio should demonstrate your ability to solve real-world problems using AI. Here’s what you should include:

  • Personal Projects: Build projects that interest you, such as a machine learning model that predicts customer behavior or a neural network that can recognize objects.
  • Open-Source Contributions: Collaborating on open-source projects will show potential employers that you can work with others and contribute to larger AI efforts.
  • Hackathons: Participating in AI and data science hackathons is a great way to test your skills, meet like-minded individuals, and work under pressure to solve real problems. Hackathons not only build experience but can also help you make meaningful connections in the AI community.

The process of building your portfolio will help you grow as an AI engineer, and a strong portfolio will stand out to employers.

6. Join AI Meetups and Communities for Inspiration

One of the most effective ways to grow in AI is by engaging with the AI community. Being around people who are more knowledgeable or experienced than you is an excellent way to learn, stay motivated, and continuously challenge yourself. Attending AI meetups and participating in communities allows you to gain valuable insights, discover new ideas, and stay up to date with industry trends.

In my own journey, I’ve found that being part of these communities early on is invaluable. They offer not only inspiration but also practical knowledge that you can’t always get from formal courses or textbooks.


Breaking into AI in Malaysia is an exciting journey filled with opportunities for growth and innovation. Whether you’re starting out or transitioning from software engineering, the key to success lies in continuous learning, practical application, and a commitment to building your own projects.

By taking the initiative to learn through online resources, getting involved in hands-on projects, and staying connected with the AI community, you can carve out a rewarding career in AI. The opportunities are endless if you stay curious and keep building.

Wei-Ming Thor

I create practical guides on Software Engineering, Data Science, and Machine Learning.

Creator of ApX Machine Learning Platform


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